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Celebrating World Food Day

In our latest wrap-up ... World Food Day, products with purpose, food heroes, wasting food is out of date, debunking recycling myth, and more …


It's the 75th World Food Day today with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations calling for us to Grow, Nourish, and Sustain Together to fight food waste and hunger.


In the words of the FAO: "The COVID-19 global health crisis has been a time to reflect on things we truly cherish and our most basic needs. These uncertain times have made many of us rekindle our appreciation for a thing that some take for granted, and many go without … food."


The amount of food lost or wasted each year is equivalent to the weight of 200 million elephants. There is no shirking away from that 1.3 billion tons of food or jumbos in the room at KM Packaging. 

In fact, we are 100% committed to the safe presentation, protection, and preservation of food through providing innovative packaging solutions for the benefit of our customers and the world at large. 

On a practical level, we contribute to the World Food Day aims in a variety of ways, including products with a purpose that:

  • Improve food safety.
  • Allow fresh produce to breathe.
  • Extend the shelf life of food.
  • Present strong barrier properties.
  • Protect food in transit from farm, factory and shop to the kitchen.


You can do your bit by following the tips FAO has shared on Twitter including:

  • Freezing excess food.
  • Eating your leftovers.
  • Learning how to best store food.

And by:

  • Choosing local, healthy, and seasonal food.
  • Keeping food in the packaging until it’s needed.
  • Respecting food and food heroes.


We'd like to give a special shout out to the food heroes. That is all of you who are involved in the food supply chain wherever you are in the world. 

For example, farmers, packers, food manufacturers, retailers, and workers in the myriad of supporting industries from packaging to logistics. And all the people honoured by the Queen for their role during the pandemic, including eight members of the ASDA team.

We salute you!


In recognition of World Food Day, we have donated to FoodCycle. During lockdown FoodCycle focused on delivering nutritious food parcels to offer vital support. As restrictions have eased, and with the situation safe for volunteers to get back into their kitchens, FoodCycle recently launched their Cook and Collect service, allowing guests to take home a hot, nutritious meal cooked with surplus food. Our local branch, in Peterborough, has saved over 142,339kg of surplus food since lockdown with the help of volunteers. 


WRAP launched its new brand today to "drive home the message that wasting food has a huge impact on climate change." #StopWastingFood


  • Myth is debunked … by recycling flexible multilayer film.
  • Super supermarket … Waitrose & Partners named Supermarket of the Year 2020 by Which?
  • Welsh rare bits … the consultation period for reducing single-use plastic in Wales comes to a close next week. Items that may become a rarity include plastic cutlery, plates, stirrers, straws, and food containers.
  • Making it easy ... tool for assessing recyclability wins Best Practice award at Packaging Europe’s Sustainability Awards. 

From the KM team … Stay Safe, Keep Up the Good Work, and Respect Food.

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