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Food Waste and Home Consumption

A round-up of what's been happening in the world of flexible packaging this week.

Food waste and home consumption

Around 13.6 million tonnes of food is wasted in the UK each year, according to a new report from the Committee on Climate Change.  And 3.6 million tonnes of it is apparently wasted before it even leaves the farm.

The consumption stage was found to be the most wasteful, with 14% of all food and drink taken home being discarded. Packaging plays a vital role in reducing food waste throughout the supply chain, retail network and in the home. The CCC is recommending mandatory food waste collection across the UK, reduced portion size and more effective best-by labelling. 

Read the full report here.

Food waste and gas emissions

If food waste could be represented as its own country, it would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter, behind China and the US; as revealed by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Food for thought on tackling waste – the 2nd part of our "Lifting the Lid on Plastic" series – looks at the role packaging plays in dealing with this global issue.

Read the full article here

Changing materials of plastic is not so black and white

If a customer wants to change from black plastic to clear trays, it's not just a colour adjustment that's required. Packaging Automation had to meet the challenge of changing dimensions, too. 

Read more here.

Gold packaging looks first class

The gold aluminium packaging of Waitrose and Partners No.1 ready meal range is going down a treat. It's great to be part of this project with i2r Packaging Solutions featuring our K Foil lidding film.

Read more here

The three actions that underpin a circular economy for plastic

Eliminate, Innovate, Circulate … the three main actions that underpin the vision of a circular economy for plastic. We received a timely reminder as the Dutch government signed the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment.

Read more here

Flexible packaging manufacture in the UK under pressure

This month, Mondi, a reputable supplier of printed packaging, sadly announced the closure of two of their factories. While we are known for our specialist expertise in lidding films, KM Packaging has been a supplier of a wide range of high quality printed flexible packaging materials for all food applications for over 35 years. We offer rotogravure, flexographic and digital printed packaging solutions to the global convenience food and confectionery markets.  

For more information read here: print solutions for convenience food and confectionery.

Plastic bottles are the real thing for Coca-Cola customers

Plastic bottles will not be binned by Coca-Cola because people still want them, the firm's head of sustainability has said. Customers like them because they reseal and are lightweight, said Bea Perez. She also said using only aluminium and glass packaging could push up the firm's carbon footprint.

However, the drinks giant is standing by its pledge to recycle as many plastic bottles as it uses by 2030.

Plastic waste and a voyage of discovery

A 300-strong all-female crew is participating in a round-the-world scientific research voyage to explore plastics and toxins in our oceans. Packaging News has introduced one of the participants, Pippa Corry a Sustainable Brand & Packaging Consultant.

Read full article here.

New packaging film – it's bananas!

A new process has been developed to turn banana plantation waste into a film that could be suitable for food packaging. The nanocellulose material is recyclable, biodegradable, and non-toxic. And there are no contamination risks with food.

Read full article here.

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