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Latest News Wrap-Up /

The Science of Food Labelling

In this week's wrap up ... the science of labelling to reduce food waste, clearer recycling labelling required to stop confusion, M&S boss says shopping may never be the same again, and has sustainability been forgotten in the crisis?


The science of labelling to reduce food waste

Best by, best if used by, use by … confusing caused by food labelling has been recognised as a strong reason for food waste.

Now a group of researchers are aiming to scientifically prove the best way to label foods using expertise from environmental science, food science, sociology, and other disciplines.

Discover more >>

Environmental benefits of packaging

A recently-released guide has revealed that, when packaging helps to reduce food waste, the environmental benefit of avoided waste is usually 5 to 10 times higher than the environmental cost of the packaging.

The guide, "Food Packaging Sustainability", summarises the results of a three-year scientific research project "Stop Waste - Save Food".

This week, Packaging Europe found out more about the project and its results.

Read the article >>
Download the guide here >>

Influencers sharing the benefits of flexible packaging

Social media influencers are being engaged by the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) to help educate others on the benefits of flexible packaging. 

For example, travel and lifestyle blogger April Koenig has written: "To determine which packaging alternatives are better for the environment, you really need to consider all impacts throughout a package's life cycle – ultimately working toward a circular economy."

This US-based initiative is aligned to WRAP's Clear on Plastics campaign which has been designed to give clear information about the complex world of plastics and the environment, and helping people to make informed choices.

More about …
The FPA initiative and blog >>
WRAP's Clear on Plastics campaign >>



Clearer recycling labelling required

Clearer and more consistent labelling of plastics is needed if consumers are to make better sustainability choices, a new report has found.

Only 17 per cent of assessed labels on plastics packaging carried information good enough for consumers to make informed recycling and purchasing decisions, according to the UN-backed report.


Plastic recycling heading for the mainstream

Plastic recycling is on the increase and heading for the mainstream, according to research by Chemistry World.

For example, plastic waste recycling in the EU is reported to have increased by almost 80%, and usage of chemical recycling is starting to gain traction, too, including activity from UK-based companies Recycling Technologies and ReNew ELP.

On the approach to build a circular economy for plastic, the article includes: "Turning single-use plastic into public enemy number one is a simplistic response to a very complicated issue. Often plastic is the right material for the job, both logistically and environmentally." 


Fresh look at chemical recycling

The industry is taking a fresh look at chemical recycling as a complementary solution to the mechanical reprocessing of plastic waste.

As revealed by Global Recycling magazine, in order to bring it to an industrial scale, chemical recycling needs to strike a balance between economic viability, regulatory compliance, and environmental impact.

Find out more >>

Plastics recyclers forced to close

Many European plastics recyclers are said to be closing production due to market developments caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE), the main causes are the lack of demand due to the closure of converting plants and record low prices of virgin plastics, as well as decreased activity globally.


Plastics reprocessing capacity needs to double

Post-consumer plastics reprocessing capacity in the UK needs to double by 2022 to meet the Government's proposed Plastic Packaging Tax, research by a recycling body has found. 

The UK could be set to face "significant challenges" in its ability to recycle household plastics packaging, according to the research by RECycling of Used Plastics Limited (RECOUP).

More information >>



Shopping may never be the same again

Customers "may never shop the same way again" after the coronavirus crisis, according to the CEO of Marks and Spencer.

Changes have included a shift to online, customers cooking more from scratch, and buying more casual clothing.


What working in a supermarket feels like right now

Candid comments from a worker's perspective, including "The biggest challenge we're facing is social distancing". 

Watch the video >>



Possibly the most compostable beer bottle in the world

Probably the "best beer in the world" could in the future be sold in a cardboard bottle lined with a layer of plant plastic.

Carlsberg are supporting the development of new compostable plant-based plastics by renewable chemicals company Avantium. 

Find out more >>

Bio-based material may increase shelf-life

A bio-based alternative to plastic food packaging could increase the shelf life of fresh products, according to tests being carried out for YPACK, the EU-funded project development project.

Active ingredients in the new material showed successful medium-term (up to 48 days) anti-bacterial effects in systems.




COVID19 - critical equipment supplier list published

A COVID-19 critical equipment supplier list has been published by the BPF (British Plastics Federation) to help support the UK's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Companies who provide vital products are listed in the online portal, including those who can supply visors, ventilator parts, aprons, hand sanitiser bottles, clinical waste sacks, and other key supplies.

Access the portal >>

Unsung life saver in the battle against coronavirus

Plastic is proving to be the unsung life-saver in the battle against coronavirus.  As reported by the Daily Express, plastic face visors, goggles, medical gloves, aprons, and gowns have been saving lives on a daily basis throughout our care services.

The article also highlights how plastic has been deployed to make supermarket food even more hygienic.


Has sustainability been forgotten during the crisis?

Has the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic caused the packaging industry to forget about sustainability? Packaging Gateway has asked the question and explored the topic.

The findings include some experts believing that businesses are using the pandemic as an excuse to push back against plastic bans. On the other hand, many businesses were seen to be still working on methods to become more sustainable.

Find out more >>



Career paths before, during and after a pandemic

Our new BDM Pete Ford is featured in an article by Digital Labels & Packaging, talking to people in the industry who have recently started new jobs and progressed their careers.


We're still hiring

We've extended the application closing date for our Supply Chain Manager vacancy. 

More information is here >>



  • Italy postpones plastics tax until 2021 – the proposed £400 a tonne tax on virgin plastics has been postponed as the country attempts to protect its economy amid the coronavirus outbreak.
  • NHS Every Mind Matters  – Looking after your mental health with some wellbeing tips. #KindnessMatters
  • Here at KM we've been celebrating staff birthdays this week with cupcakes and an inaugural KM Zoom happy birthday sing-a-long. Our company tradition has been that the bearer of the birthday is the bearer of cakes but, since we're still working from home, we've turned to Rachael's Kitchen for cupcake delivery. Yum!!!


Our office is closed on Monday 25th May. But, in our absence, here is some bank holiday inspiration:

Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year

Explore the competition. Open to professional and non-professional, old and young, the awards celebrate the very best in food photography and film from around the world. 

"The most prestigious awards in the industry" - The Independent. 

Highlights include: 

And the winners are here.

Lastly, for some insightful reading … Lifting the Lid on Plastic: Answering the difficult question with the 3Ps - Protect Present Preserve

Read the latest in our series of articles >>

From the KM team … Stay Safe, Keep up the Good Work, Help Others.

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