With 40 years of experience delivering reliable packaging solutions for food manufacturers across the globe, our knowledge is second to none. Stay updated with our latest news here. 

Latest News Wrap-Up /

Call to Maintain Food Products Security

Our round up of what's been happening in the world of flexible packaging. 

Call to maintain the security of food products

A joint statement to maintain the security of food and pharmaceutical products during the coronavirus crisis has been signed by Flexible Packaging Europe and other industry partners. 

It calls on the European Commission and national governments to:

  1. Protect and guarantee the security of the supply and the transport of packaging for food and pharmaceutical products, including their supply chain, and the required raw materials and intermediate products.
  2. Open borders for packaging supply chains.
  3. Address shortages and price increases of raw materials.

View the statement >>

Dispelling the "evils" of plastic

Plastic isn't intrinsically evil; it is instead our relationship with plastic that leads to negative narratives. So argues Nick Cliffe, Deputy Challenge Director of the Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge, UK Research and Innovation.

Nick discusses the future of plastic in a guest blog that also reminds readers that plastic is a fundamental building block of our society, underpinning many of our systems, from food production, distribution and prevention of food waste to medicines and provision of healthcare.

Read Nick's views >>

Pete's on board to help boost our business growth

Our business growth strategy has been given a boost with the appointment of industry expert Pete Ford as Business Development Manager. 

He has responsibility for growing sales in existing product sectors and developing new product markets across the UK, Ireland, and Europe.

Meet Pete >>

Join our team as Supply Chain Manager

We are seeking a Supply Chain Manager to be responsible for overseeing and managing our overall supply chain, supply-side logistics strategy, and operations to maximise process efficiency and productivity.

Find out more about the role and apply >>

Plastic bans reversed amid coronavirus fears

Bans on single-use bags and containers are being reversed and delayed amid fears that alternatives, such as reusable bags, carry a health risk.

A university study found that consumers rarely, if ever, wash their bags. Almost all of the bags assessed were covered in bacteria, including E. coli on 12 per cent of bags.

The reversal or delay of bans in US states and cities is particularly aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus.

Read the full story >>

Remotely servicing our customers’ needs

The safety of our customers, suppliers, products and staff is of paramount importance to everyone at KM Packaging. Wherever possible, our staff are working from home offices to ensure that we remain capable of servicing our customers’ needs. 

We are diverting more of our resource to our Customer Services function to ensure that we maintain effective communications with both our customers and suppliers.

Communication is the key to success and if, at times, we have to ask for your patience or flexibility, please help us to help you.

Thanks from the KM team … we are clapping for our customers …

Stay Safe, Keep up the Good Work, Help Others.


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Insights / Blog
Unwrapping houmous in a new film
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KM News and People / Blog
Our double AA grade makes it a magnificent seven
KM Packaging has achieved the prestigious AA grade in its BRCGS Audit for the seventh year in a row. This recognition reaffirms our commitment...
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