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Latest News Wrap-Up /

Striking oil with plastic

In the Wrap-Up this week ... Striking oil with plastic. UK-wide recycling survey. Trays in the spotlight. Covid-resistant food trays. Talking about plastics in a wasteful society. And more …



The end is in sight for unrecyclable plastic if the numbers can be made to add up. The BBC has explored chemical recycling, the financial challenge, and how plastic can be turned back into the oil it was made from at a profit.


  • Clear and light: Here's a great video from Proseal highlighting the reduction in plastic achieved when switching from an overwrap to a clear and light top-seal format.
  • Light and strong: Global aluminium tray supplier i2r Packaging have put their ultra-lightweight and ultra-strong Ultra tray in the spotlight.
  • Strong and flexible: Our lidding film for foil trays is almost invisible but is strong and flexible, and constantly uses its powers to protect, present, and preserve food.


RECOUP are conducting a UK-wide survey asking us all to share more information about our recycling habits.


Kraft Heinz has launched its first fully-recyclable baby food pouches in Italy. The initiative is the result of a partnership with pouch producer Gualapack.


  • Edible coat: By-products from the fishing industry and household waste have been used to create barrier packaging for food in a project coordinated by the Spanish research centre Aimplas. A fish-gelatine-based formula has been developed that can be incorporated into food packaging film or used as an edible food coating that also extends shelf-life.
  • Covid-resistance: An antibacterial food tray made from recycled fishing industry waste has been developed by Dutch biotech start-up Parx Materials in partnership with Norwegian-based hygiene specialist ZincIn. The tray has an over 99.9% reduction in bacteria compared with a typical food tray.


  • Meal deal: Thousands of vulnerable people across the UK have been fed thanks to Waitrose & Partners, who have provided the equivalent of five million surplus meals. The end-of-day leftover food is distributed to local charities and community groups through the FareShare Go national network.
  • Time out: KM have launched a scheme for our team to take some working time out to volunteer with our local FoodCycle centre in Peterborough. Today, our graduate trainee Konrad Webster will be helping out at the charity that supports people who are hungry and lonely by serving daily lunches and dinners across the country.
  • Rescue mission: Aluminium tray supplier Confoil has highlighted its support of Ozharvest, Australia's leading food rescue organisation. Confoil donates food containers to the Cooking for a Cause programme and gives staff time for corporate volunteering days.


  • Video spot: We are sponsoring the Packaging News weekly video news bulletin.
  • Plastic post: Australia Post customers can now recycle their soft plastics at post offices in New South Wales. The organisation is trialling an in-store recycling service with the REDcycle recovery programme that KM joined earlier this month.


  • Talking trash: Chris DeArmitt discusses the data behind plastics in a wasteful society.
  • Plastic film: How can recycled plastic help the transition to a circular economy?



  • BPF & PCN webinar - Thursday, May 20, 12pm to 1pm. End-of-life challenge for flexible plastic packaging, multi-layers, and pouches.
  • Foodex - 5-7th July, NEC Birmingham.

From the KM team … stay safe, keep up the good work, and value plastic.

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