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Latest News Wrap-Up /

Industry rides the storm of rising disruption and costs

In the latest Wrap-Up … State of the packaging industry. Crisp packets to carry recycling label. Supermarket buys recycling operation. Overcoming the recycling challenges for films. New approach to packaging sustainability. The art and science of lidding films. And more …



Disrupted supply chains and increasing costs continue to challenge flexible packaging production as demand stays high, according to the latest industry report from Flexible Packaging Europe.

The figures show that the rate of cost increases for polyethylene and other materials is historically high.

However, Guido Aufdemkamp, FPE's Executive Director, said: "Our members continue to do everything in their power to maintain capacity to meet customers' demands."


Crisps wrapped up by labelling

OPRL is adding its specialist in-store recycling labelling to crisp packets and metallised snack and chocolate wrappers from January.

From the same time, people will be able to recycle polypropylene (PP) films in-store in moves that will support The UK Plastics Pact target to increase all plastics packaging recycling to 70% by 2025.

Shop-bought facility is a first

Morrisons has bought a significant stake in a new recycling facility in Scotland to process hard-to-recycle soft plastics.

As a result, it has become the first UK supermarket to own its own recycling operations.

Supermarkets bridge the gap

Supermarkets are HAVING to collect soft plastic in store because there's a big hole in the UK recycling infrastructure, Paul Ernshaw, Technical Packaging Manager at Tesco, has told attendees of an international conference.

He said: "We are stepping in to do it for them. But ideally, it should be collected at kerb-side."

Paul also said: "We're going to use recycled materials wherever possible, and we are going to be the most helpful retailer for recycling and reuse."

Our supermarket sweep

Supermarkets are still leading the way by providing customers with shop-and-drop facilities to recycle their flexible packaging. We have published a summary of the major UK supermarkets' recycling activity.

Green flag from REDcycle

We have had to overcome various challenges for our lidding films to be accepted by recycling schemes around the world.

One example is the REDcycle program in Australia that allows consumers to use collection bins at supermarkets and other drop-off locations to return plastic bags and flexible soft packaging.

We were able to become a REDcycle partner after lidding films from our range were verified as suitable for the program, meeting various criteria as defined by a recyclability evaluation tool.

What if … plastic questions are answered

What if ... we realised that plastic is not actually the problem ... but the way we waste it is! Recycling Technologies, a prominent player in the chemical recycling sector, asks and answers the questions in its latest video.


A packaging-focused think-tank has proposed a new approach to packaging sustainability as an alternative to "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle".

SPRING suggests that the overarching goals should be to reduce greenhouse gas generation, enhance resource conservation, and minimise toxicity and contaminants.


Since we have the technology to put a helicopter on Mars, it should not be that difficult to create a circular destiny for plastic, according to Professor Ed Kosior founder of Nextek.

Giving his views on the future of plastics, his key topics were extracting more recyclables from the waste stream, the relevant ratios of recycled content, and the merits of chemical recycling.

And the professor's main message was that a focus on CO2 should drive all future decisions related to plastics and recycling.



The Christmas ads are already in full festive swing. Here's a round-up to get you into the seasonal spirit. 

  • Aldi – A Christmas Carrot, by Charles Chickens.
  • Asda – Make Christmas Spectacular.
  • Coles (AUS) – The joy we’ve all been waiting for.
  • Lidl – Big on a Christmas you can always believe in.
  • M&S – Percy Pig comes to life for the first time ever!
  • Morrisons – Make Good Things Happen.
  • Sainsbury’s  – A Christmas to Savour.
  • Tesco – Nothing’s Stopping Us (not even the complaints from anti-vaxxers).
  • Waitrose – Best Bit of Christmas … is the food! 
  • Woolworths (AUS) – Christmas from today’s fresh food people.


The art and science of lidding films for food packaging can transform your products' protection, presentation, and preservation and, ultimately, increase your profits. 

You can discover more in the recent Food Business article with John Shipley, our Business Unit Director, Australia and Europe.

From the KM team … stay safe, keep up the good work, and value plastic.

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