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Latest News Wrap-Up / This week's wrap-up 04/10/2021

3Rs mantra for food packaging

In the Wrap-Up this week …  3Rs mantra for food packaging. Cadbury to use recycled packaging. Call for universal labelling. Irish lead the way with recycling. COVID suppressed plastic concerns. Bananas to be sold in their own skins. ASA cleaning up greenwashing. And more …



The mantra for food packaging is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle if food loss and waste are to be avoided, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

In its article on a more circular approach for food packaging, the organisation identifies three better packaging solutions that can be leveraged:

  1. Re-useable packaging.
  2. Sustainable and innovative packaging options.
  3. Refillable packaging.


Chocs away for plastic

It was announced Cadbury Dairy Milk sold in the UK and Ireland will be made with packaging containing up to 30% recycled plastic next year. It is part of the company's global commitment to a 5% reduction in the use of virgin plastic material in its overall plastic packaging portfolio by 2025.

Using their loaf

We heard that Kingsmill is piloting a new bread bag featuring 30% "advanced" recycled content. The new Kingsmill 50/50 No Crusts bread bags are being made using a technology that upcycles used and mixed plastic to create plastic with the same purity and quality as traditional virgin material.

Feature films

We are also leading the way with PCR content for lidding films within our K Peel range.


The On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) scheme aims to deliver a simple and consistent recycling message on packaging to help consumers reuse and recycle more material correctly, more often.

Its Chair, Jane Bevis, has been in conversation with Which? explaining why correct labelling is essential. Contrary to the position of the UK government, she says we need to #MakeItEasy with a universal label that avoids lots of confusing symbols.

If you agree, there's still time to sign the petition to "change the law to make recycling easy".


Irish ayes to collections

All plastic packaging waste - including soft plastic - can now be placed in Irish household recycling bins as long as it is "clean, dry and loose".

Minister of State Ossian Smyth said: "Soft plastics have been added to the household national recycling list due to advancements in technology at Irish recycling facilities."

Scottish ayes to investment

Nestlé has teamed up with a Scottish recycling firm to turn hard-to-recycle packaging into building materials.

The food and beverage company has committed to a £1.65m investment in Yes Recycling's new Fife-based plant.

It will have the capability to take 15,000 tonnes of the soft plastic packaging from kerbside collection and some commercial streams and produce an alternative to plywood in construction, retail spaces, and the agriculture industry.


  • Flexible growth: Recycled polyethylene (R-PE) flexible film recycling capacity rose by just under 10% in 2020, according to estimates by industry group Plastics Recyclers Europe.
  • Mexican wave: Nestlé and UK-based Greenback are to build a chemical recycling plant in Mexico to expand the processing of flexible plastics packaging.
  • Upgrading: Norwegian recycling specialist Quantafuel has announced plans to expand into the UK with processing plants that create high-value products from low-value plastic waste.


  1. COVID suppressed appetite: Retailers and recycling charities have said shopper demand for items without plastic wrapping declined after the pandemic hit.
  2. Bananas split from bags: Morrisons has pledged to remove plastic bags from all of its bananas sold in its stores, in what it says is a supermarket first. However, the move may not be universally welcomed as flexible packaging is known to extend the shelf life of bananas by three days.


Organic food delivery company Abel and Cole have conducted a study revealing that their meat-free meal kits emit 63% less carbon on average than the equivalent meat dishes. And a closer look from journalist David Burrows has shown that packaging produces a reasonable share of the emissions, although that varies markedly across the range.


  • AA top award: For the third year in a row, we have been awarded an AA grade in our BRCGS Audit as we continue to set the highest standards for product quality and safety.
  • Monstrous coverage: Our stand-up shaped pouches, including those with a Halloween theme, have been attracting attention here, there, and elsewhere in the UK and down under.



The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is releasing new guidance to ensure ads don't mislead people about the environment. Recent examples include a now banned ad campaign by Ryanair in which it claimed to have the lowest airline CO2 emissions. The guidance can be found here.

10 OUT OF 10

Recycling organisation REDcycle has celebrated its 10th anniversary in Australia. In that time, REDcycle has diverted more than three billion pieces of post-consumer soft plastics waste from landfill.

KM is proud to be a REDcycle partner, and we offer lidding film solutions suitable for the REDcycle scheme.

From the KM team … stay safe, keep up the good work, and value plastic.

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